The Earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it’. Psalm 24:1

Glanville fritillary at Compton Cliffs
NMC Isle of Wight Biodiversity gallery I.W Biodiversity
NMC New Year Plant Hunt, Newport , Isle of Wight.
Discover the secret world of moths
NMC Wildlife walk in the Pan Meadows. Newport, Isle of Wight
May walk in Pan Mill Meadows
Medina Valley Walk
Wonder-full walk in Medina Valley

A Rocha UK Caring for God’s Earth A Rocha
COP15 Giving Nature a Fighting Chance by Andy Lester, A Rocha UK Head of Conservation
COP15 – giving nature a fighting chance? – A Rocha UK
Target 25 is and A Rocha UK’s project to help a range of declining species, taxonomic groups, and threatened habitats. To find out more about the threatened habitats follow this link:

A Rocha Wild Christian
Explore practical ways to enjoy, nurture and defend God’s creation with Wild Christian.

A Rocha International
Arocha is a global family of conservation organizations working together to live out God’s calling to care for creation and equip others to do likewise.
The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galations 5:6b